Jamee Moulton
Jamee Moulton
Administrative Assistant
Our Administrative Assistant is Jamee Moulton. She is currently studying horticulture at Oregon State University. Jamee likes working with Resin’s architects, because she sees them as creators who give clients and others spaces in which to live, contribute to society in jobs they feel passionate about, learn, and serve others. Some day, she'd like to use her knowledge of sustainable landscaping to create environments to pair with the buildings Resin's architects design. When she’s not at Resin, she’s likely visiting a botanical garden; she’s been to gardens in 10 countries on 5 continents. Her claim to fame is that she recorded the third highest number of species in the world during the 2021 iNaturalist City Nature Challenge. Jamee was born in Atlanta, Georgia but has also lived in the foothills of North Carolina and in Houston, Texas. She moved to Rexburg in the fall of 2021, and we’re glad she did.
Joined Resin in 2021
Bachelor of Science in Horticulture
Oregon State University in Corvallis, OR